On-Campus Lodging Details

Reserve On Campus Lodging


The standard check in period is 4:00pm- 6:00pm. 

The standard check out period is 8:30-10:00 am. All conference participants must vacate and check out of their rooms no later than 10:00 am on the August 3rd. 


Entry to rooms in the residence halls and apartments is controlled by hard keys or virtual Switch Tech access. Entry to the residence halls and some apartment complexes is controlled by Conference Visitor Card. Keys and Conference Visitor Cards must be individually signed out at check-in and individually signed back in at check-out. There are no exceptions to this rule. 

For each hard key not returned to the Office of Residential Living, or virtual check out completed by the designated check-out time for conference participants, there is a one hundred dollars ($100.00) charge. Returning the key by mail at the conclusion of the conference does not preclude the charge. There is a fifty dollars ($50.00) fee for each conference Visitor Cards not returned to the Office of Residential Living by the designated check-out time.