Lightning Talk: Once You Pop(over), You Just Can’t Stop… (over): The Popover API

Date: Thursday, August 1, 2024
Time: 10:00 - 10:45 am (EDT) (UTC-04:00)
Location: Room 1 (McShain)
Format: Lightning Talk
Subjects: Content, Development

Who is this session for?

Designer, Developer

Session description

No longer do we need hacks and such to send an element into the freewheeling space above our websites. The new popover API gives us a wealth of resources to make pop ups happen with just HTML, no CSS or JavaScript required. Pop on in to this session to see how it's done. Unfortunately, neither popcorn nor pop-tarts will be served during this session.


John Rhea

Headshot of John Rhea
Web Designer/Developer, University of Virginia, Virginia Humanities

John is a storyteller with design and development skills. He designs and builds websites at, counts his words carefully at and helps you kill zombies while learning web development at

He lives near Charlottesville, VA with his wife, Carrielyn, and, like, a lot of kids (eight at last count) plus more pets than is wise to enumerate. If you see him and he’s both awake and properly dressed, you know he’s having a good day.


  • Lightning Talk: Once You Pop(over), You Just Can't Stop... (over): The Popover API

Session video